
BKC House Rules

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 5 months ago



I like to play Blitzkrieg Commander at a lower level than the rules were designed for. With the standard rules, each unit represents a platoon of men or vehicles. With the lower scale, each unit represents a section of men or, normally, a single vehicle. Some vehicle units do actually represent more than one vehicle such as a jeep recon section. Because of these changes to unit scale I use the following house rules:


Ground scale: Double all movement and firing distances. Artillery and aircraft attack areas are not doubled as they represent attacks by smaller numbers of weapons.


Unit Basing: Rather than having all the figures for one unit glued to a single base I like to base my infantry models on 18x18mm square bases with three bases positioned side-by-side to form one unit. I do this for two reasons: One because I didn't want to have to rebase all my existing models when I started using BKC and two it allows me to place the three bases in a column when moving along a road and not need the road to be 50m wide. However, I used to use a round base to allow units to rotate on the spot and not then overlap other adjacent units but have decided that I will now use square base in order to judge the 90 degree arc easily. Normally the bases are placed side-by-side and thus give the normal BKC frontage. Some units are represented by a single base 27x18mm because of what they are e.g. my dug-in machine gun teams don't fit on a 18mm wide base. However, I consider the size of a base to be partly reflected in the unit statistics because the smaller unit sizes have less hits. Anti-tank teams such as bazookas and panzerschrecks are based on 18x18mm bases. Panzerfausts are normally included within the standard infantry units. I sometimes use special units to represent unusual historical units. Often these special units consist of a single base and have few hits. For further details refer to the unit data sheets.

As I don't like having to have roads wide enough to suit the width of a vehicle base, vehicles are generally not based. However, this could result in models being placed un-realsitically close together or even touching side-by-side so I use a gentlemens agreement to not place vehicles closer than 25mm of another vehicle and that seems to work.


Anti-tank factors: Normally the infantry units of many armies have an anti-tank attack capability in addition to their normal small arm attacks. These represent the unit carrying bazookas etc. At squad level not all units will necessarily have an anti-tank capability. Therefore, I use bazooka team models to represent an anti-tank capability and place the model adjacent to a normal unit in order to indicate that that unit has the anti-capability. It also allows the anti-tank capacity to be moved around. However, if the anti-tank team is adjacent to a unit that is then knocked out the anti-tank team is also knocked out.



Other changes will be listed as time permits.


Note: None of these rules are official. They are just my ideas for a little more detail at the different unit scale.



This is just my attempt to clarify the 'to hit' rolls required by the various types of artillery.


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