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Page history last edited by Paul 10 years ago

Welcome to Paul's Wargames Ramblings


I don't get as much gaming in as I would like but I did manage to get a number of desert games in over the festive period, as a result I've added the following:


World War Two, early North Africa scenario: Scenario 5


After Action Report: AAR Scenario 5 No 1


The first five battles from Benghazi Handicap rewritten for BKC II: Five Desert Battles


Blitzkrieg Commander II Roster Sheets

I use a spread sheet to create my unit rosters and have two versions, one for the NWE American, British Airborne and Germans, and a second version for the North Africa theatre.

You can download a copy of the NWE version here: BKC II Roster NWE v2-10.xls


And the North Africa version here: BKC II Roster North Africa v2-10 P&D.xls (Note: A few entries are different to the rules but have been shaded in 'orange' to warn you)


Another version of the North Africa roster that has been changed back to the rules as written can be found here: BKC II Roster North Africa v2-11.xls


NOTE: I've enabled the auto-filter so you can select to only show units with selected number > 0 and thus only those used in the scenario (as shown below).



I find it fairly easy to use as you can only alter grey cells and is laid out the same of the rules.

I have just updated it so that it should only show the notes that apply to the units you have selected so that you can print out a play sheet that is customized just for that battle.


After Action Report: AAR Scenario 3 No 1


My early North Africa units:






















The Second Omaha Assault:






















Current rules:

Blitzkrieg Commander


Links to related Wiki sites:

Tony Barrs Wiki

Nik Harwood's Wargames Wiki

Patricks Wiki

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